Same day flower delivery by a Leigh on Sea florist

Bouquet delivery & Flower Classes

We deliver to Southend and surrounding areas

We all know that seasonal means great quality and the best pricing. In terms of flowers you receive beautiful flowers perfect to the time of year that it is. Treat yourself or someone else to this special seasonal bouquet  from £30 or book one of seasonal flower arranging courses.

Offering same day delivery to ALL Southend postcodes for £5

or collect from our workshop in SS9 4RB

Please call 01702 243529 for urgent orders or if you have any questions.

Seasonal & Fresh


Gift Message

Independent florist

Creative Design

Delivered to door


We are a Leigh on Sea based florist that deliver to all Southend postcodes – BASICALLY any postcode beginning with SS, we can do same day flower delivery bouquets, made specially for you by an experienced florist! Recreation Flowers have been established for over 23 years and offer all types of arrangements tailored to suit individual customers.

We treat each customer personally, so if you are not used to ordering flowers or are not sure what flowers would suit the occasion, please contact us for a consultation.

Using the freshest and most seasonal flowers all our bouquets are made to order, where possible we can try to match photographs but seasonal availability may mean they could be slightly different.